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A cinematic production company located in Houston, TX
Dedicated to the fine art of filmmaking
Your story is our passion

About UsOur Work


We Love Storytelling

We are a Full Service Production Company based in Houston, Texas. We specialize in creative and artistic branding, wedding, and event videos. We're authentic, we're passionate, and we're dedicated to telling your story in a way that captivates your audience.

With Heart

Our passion is finding a way to make your audience feel a deep connection with your story.

With Accuracy

We listen carefully to make sure your production is a true reflection of your vision.

With Experience

Experience breeds consistency, and we guarantee stunning results every time.

Our Experience Guarantees Yours

But don't take our word for it...
Listen to what some of our customers have to say!

Dusty Wright

"Words cannot describe how perfect it is. Music, video, timing, everything. You hit every nail right on the head and sunk them with a mighty blow that will surely hold through the tests of time. Could not possibly be any more satisfied!"

Steve Songer

"I must say that you did such exemplary work with this. The video made me laugh, cry, and smile really big at times, and those are all the emotions that I believe should be evoked by something such as this. You have my highest praise, on a job more than well done."

Faith Long

"I have watched this over and over!!! This is such a special gift! The quality and editing of the footage was superb, much better than other professional wedding videos I’ve seen. On top of all this, they even picked out songs that they gathered were important to us through attending the wedding."

A few of the companies we've worked with in the past.



Who We Are

Ethan Groves

With a deep love of art and technology, Ethan brings a wealth of talent and knowledge to every project. He is equally comfortable producing exquisite camera movements as he is building enterprise-grade cloud computing infrastructure.

Ethan Groves
Founder & CEO

Ulric Groves

Writer extraodinaire, and future Nuclear Engineer, Ulric brings a brilliant mind and unique perspective to every project.

Ulric Groves
Writer & Actor

Dustin McGee

Founder and CEO of PyroTechniques, Dustin has over a decade of experience in the field of pyrotechnics and special fx.

Dustin McGee
Special FX Supervisor

The Cast And Crew

We combine creative, technical, and super cool action all into one tight-knit team. Ethan has been making films since he was 11, has a degree in computer science, and adores all things creative. Ulric has a knack for creative writing and once turned in a 90 page novel for a writing assignment that required 5 pages. Dusty is a licensed pyrotechnician, and is almost as passionate about blowing things up as he is about safety.

Our Commitment

To make a positive impact

Visual storytelling is a very powerful means of communication. It can challenge the way people think and influence the way they live their lives. We strive to use our creative talents to make a positive impact on those around us.


Our Production Is Our Product

In the best way possible
Make your film stand out

A haiku

From concept to completion, we have a singular vision to tell your story in the most entertaining way possible.


Give us your project brief, and we'll give you a branding video so good you'll buy your own product!

From short humorous tv spots to sleek corporate ads, we do it all.


Send us an invitation, and we'll capture the spirit of your event in style!

We excel at recognizing and capturing the fleeting moments that define an event, and then turning it into a fun-filled film.


Weddings are an opportunity to capture deep emotions and stunning beauty.

We absolutely adore the incredible privilege of documenting one of the most important events in most people's lives.


Some stories take a little longer to tell.

We'll follow you for months and years, to the ends of the earth, to capture your story.

Let us know where your biggest audience is, and we'll optimize your video for YouTube, Facebook, TV, or what ever platform you prefer.
We Are Storytellers
We Are Filmmakers
We Are Artists
We Are Dreamers
We Are Perfectionists

— "The greatest art in the world is story telling." —
Cecil B. DeMille

Our Process

Making Great Cinema

These are the four major production stages that every one of our films goes through.


We meet with you and find out what you want. Then, we figure out the best way to make it happen.


Lights, cameras, locations, jibs, gimbals, drones, microphones, and lots of action.


We take all the footage and painstakingly piece it all together with music, sounds, and graphics.


This is the final deliverable. Usually a hard drive or DVD with your beautiful film.

We can even arrange to have your film premiered at a local movie theater!

Our Numbers

Cool facts about us

Years Experience
Years in Business

Our Skills

How We Measure Up

These values represent our honest evaluation of ourselves on each of these skills. How good are we at self-evaluation? 9.735...
9.735 units of self-evaluation, exactly!

"The art or science of motion-picture photography." --Merriam-Webster
Cinematography is an skill that is both highly technical and highly artistic at the same time.

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Nam eget ex mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam blandit, enim nec rutrum maximus, odio purus maximus odio, vel mattis nisi ante ut velit. Nam ut turpis vel dolor maximus dictum. Donec blandit turpis ut vulputate facilisis. Nam est nisi, posuere vitae posuere in, viverra non tellus. Pellentesque congue, sapien eget sollicitudin sollicitudin, est leo imperdiet ante, facilisis viverra mi augue in leo. Vestibulum felis urna, pharetra et eros ut, mattis consequat mi. Curabitur id tortor mattis, aliquet eros hendrerit, mattis metus. Ut dignissim vel augue in congue. Nulla a ante ut mi scelerisque suscipit. Aenean condimentum turpis mi, sit amet ullamcorper mi commodo non.

Nulla egestas eu odio ac dictum. Phasellus eu odio lectus. Fusce luctus tempor mauris, vel accumsan leo. Nam libero velit, ultrices vel malesuada nec, euismod nec dolor. Maecenas congue erat sed maximus semper. Aliquam vestibulum magna sit amet pulvinar vestibulum. Cras semper condimentum ante, eget suscipit sapien. Sed ac urna nunc. Aenean viverra sem sit amet dolor pretium fringilla. Nam luctus tempus nibh vitae efficitur. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Fusce non commodo sapien, quis ultrices enim. Proin in placerat urna. Nulla luctus leo nec massa vestibulum consequat quis a quam. Maecenas et leo ut orci fringilla ornare non sit amet lectus. Donec ornare eros tortor, sit amet condimentum lectus placerat ut. Duis lacus neque, lacinia non nunc id, aliquet tincidunt orci. In tellus felis, posuere non est rhoncus, tincidunt elementum sapien. Sed non sagittis ante. Duis ultricies mi dolor, feugiat blandit metus ullamcorper nec. Nullam semper gravida consequat. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sit amet nisi at enim lacinia dignissim. Aenean suscipit pulvinar ex, eu venenatis magna dapibus sit amet.

Proin non augue posuere, iaculis tortor in, molestie lorem. Praesent ut gravida sem. Aenean sit amet lorem leo. Curabitur risus ante, pulvinar vel erat viverra, porttitor volutpat turpis. Praesent et sapien interdum, sollicitudin nisi non, bibendum leo. Duis posuere lectus velit, vel volutpat massa blandit non. Donec pellentesque vel magna ut dignissim. Pellentesque luctus fringilla eros, in tempus neque venenatis consectetur. Pellentesque purus mauris, laoreet eget augue in, pellentesque sagittis arcu. Etiam at blandit lectus, sit amet volutpat tellus.

Donec ac consectetur neque, vel eleifend nisi. In et nibh at neque convallis tincidunt. Aliquam sodales odio vel malesuada interdum. Duis auctor malesuada lorem. Nulla sed neque ut dui imperdiet congue ut sit amet enim. Phasellus vel commodo dui. Aliquam eu eleifend diam, vitae dapibus velit. Suspendisse ac est hendrerit, mollis lectus vel, accumsan urna. Quisque sit amet iaculis libero, sed maximus justo. Nunc laoreet non libero eu vehicula. Vestibulum ex lectus, pharetra non elementum et, gravida quis mauris. Donec sodales odio eget accumsan blandit.



Tell us your story

Tel: 1 (844) 919-0500

Houston, TX 77407
United States
